Social Media Restriction Bill Isn’t As Effective as Strong Parenting
Some say it's too dangerous.
There is an ongoing discussion in D.C. now about new restrictions on social media for the young. They are talking about kids under 13, some are talking under age 18. Doesn't really matter, they are not going to get anything done on this issue.
When you have people like Facebook giving 100s of millions of dollars to politicians there's no way they will throw that kind of money out the window. We already have a control mechanism but too many parents don't take advantage of it. You're the parent, that's all that's needed.
Parents in fact embrace social medial and iPads and other devices because it keeps the kids out of their hair. Keeps them busy so Mom and Dad can do their thing. Fifty years ago parents were concerned about what their kids were watching on TV, which pales in comparison to what is available now with just a swipe or a click. It's a different animal now.
Parenting is also now a different game, for some, it's a part-time gig that has just been thrown into the hectic everyday schedules. Parenting in reality is full time and I think that's where so many of the problems that we have stemmed from.
No congressional talks though on requirements for parents and their responsibilities if they bring children into this world. It seems like we always go after the device that's involved whether it's a phone or even a gun.
We never blame responsibility for the problem. That would sure solve a lot of ours...
See ya tomorrow at 5 a.m.
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