Levy Defeat Sends a Message, But What About the Winning Incumbents?
The results are in and a clear message has been sent to School District 2 administrators: You showed a complete lack of fiscal responsibility when it came to COVID-related spending and enough is enough.
The numbers are evident with a 21,671 to 12,712 defeat of their mill levy request. No $1.5 million dollars going to bonuses for administrators.
In fact, out of the first $24 million spent, all but about $2 million dollars went for wages, salaries, and new positions. With the second $15 million spent they used $4 million for a new activism-loaded math curriculum for K-8 plus more employee paid sick leave, etc.
I've never, in 35 years, witnessed a mill levy for the school district go down so resoundingly.
That's why it's so shocking that two incumbents retained their seats, Zach Terakedis and Scott McCulloch, though by slim margins. Terakedis won by 86 votes and McCulloch by 43. They were both supporters of the mill levy and one voted not to let Emily continue her education because of the age-out policy.
I think this discrepancy can be explained by not having the candidate's party affiliation on the ballot. It leaves no clue to the voter if they would be more conservative or more liberal-leaning.
Plus, when it comes to school board member races, most people will do no homework before they check the box. Your vote matters but your homework is an important part of that.
Even with that though, a clear message has still been sent and hopefully, they'll get it. People are being pushed too far and will respond with their votes.
See ya tomorrow at 5 a.m.
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